Refer a friend T&C
Refer a Friend Terms and Conditions – Updated 20th January 2023
1.0 – Offer is only valid to customers not current employees of the better mortgage company
2.0 – Refer a friend offer is only applicable to mortgages arranged by ‘The Better Mortgage Company’ via our mortgage broker process
3.0 -Refer a friend offer is paid within 8 weeks of us receiving payment from the lender for arranging your mortgage
4.0 – Refer a friend offer is paid via BACS transfer or cheque from ‘The Better Mortgage Company’ to the named mortgage account holders only and may not be transferred to a third Party
5.0 – The offer, maybe withdrawn at any time, with at least 28 days of notice to any person not at the offer stage with the lender by email, notified on our website or via written correspondence if our email is not acknowledged
6.0 – This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers advertised by ‘The Better Mortgage company’
7.0 – Cashback will not exceed £50 in value
- – All refer a friend offered and paid will be tracked for monitoring and audit purposes
9.0 – The refer a friend offer is not paid if advice was not provided by us and ‘The Better Mortgage Company’ did not arrange the mortgage
8.0 – All refer a friend offered and paid will be tracked for monitoring and audit purposes
9.0 – The refer a friend offer is not paid if advice was not provided by us and ‘The Better Mortgage Company’ did not arrange the mortgage
10.0 – The Refer a friend scheme will be reviewed annually